Other DNFBPs

A. Definició del subjecte obligat

The Law against money laundering and terrorist financing considers as a parties under obligation:

  • Persons trading or acting as intermediaries in the trade of works of art, including when this is carried out by art galleries and auction houses, where the value of the transaction or a series of linked transactions amounts to EUR 10,000 or more;
  • Persons storing, trading or acting as intermediaries in the trade of works of art when this is carried out in free zones, where the value of the transaction or a series of linked transactions amounts to EUR 10,000 or more;
  • Managers of free zones and operators established therein.

They are persons who develop their activity in free zones, which are areas that pretend favouring commercial activities and the economic growing with the elimination of duties and taxes and with the reduction of legal requirements, that they would be different between countries that have this types of areas.

Non-resident natural and legal persons carrying out activities of equal nature as the aforementioned in the Principality of Andorra are also considered to be reporting entities.

For more information, see UE Council Decision 2021/799, of 16 of September of 2019.

B. Obligations of the reporting entity

The main obligations attributed to the casinos in the matter of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing are the following: